Thursday, November 1, 2007

Which Stinson Boy Did Anne Bryant Love?

It was a frustrating week of genealogy research. My sister, Rainnie, and my brother-in-law, John, were visiting Virginia Beach last week for John’s reunion with his U.S.S. Diablo shipmates. We took the opportunity to do some serious genealogy research. The goal: to prove that Anne Bryant married David Stinson, son of Alexander, Senior.

Anne Bryant was a daughter of James Bryant of Cumberland County, VA. In his will, dated 1783, James refers to his daughter, Anne Stinson. [Some transcripts interpret the name as Anne Steinson, but I assure you, the original document clearly says Stinson.] Unconfirmed records say that Anne was born about 1743, making marriage likely between 1760 – 1770.

Between the three of us we scoured the Manakin Huguenot Society Library (the Bryants were Huguenots,) The Virginia Historical Society and The Library of Virginia for a clue about which handsome Stinson boy Anne married. David is the likely candidate as most of Alexander, Senior’s other sons’ brides are accounted for.

I thought for sure a review of the microfilmed marriage records at the LVA would turn up a bond or license for David and Anne. But the only county with records dating back that far was Cumberland, and though it was a likely wedding site, we came up empty. No Anne & David. The other possible counties where the marriage may have taken place, Powhatan, Chesterfield and Henrico, don’t have records back to 1770. And, of course, Buckingham records were burned.

I’ve posted queries on three Internet genealogy discussion lists and have received two responses from kind readers. Both agree that Anne married David, but neither have sources.

Why the search for proof of Anne’s husband? Documentation that Anne married one of Alexander Sr.’s sons would authorize many of us to join the Huguenot Society of the Founders of Manakin In the Colony of Virginia and the National Huguenot Society. (See link under Stinson History Online at left.) If you don’t remember your high school early American history, the Huguenots were Protestants who were driven out of France after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685. They went first to England, then to the Colonies in their quest for religious freedom. They offer us yet another proud Stinson heritage.

Any research ideas from my Stinson history buddies? Jack? Kenneth? Carolyn?

The Buckingham Stinsons Blog Has a Little Sister!

Introducing the Buckingham Stinsons Website!

This Blog will be the place to go for up-to-date family history news. The Website is more static, a repository for Buckingham Stinson information, photos and documents. Take a look and please offer suggestions and material you’d like to see posted. The Website is still in its beta stage, so be patient. I’ll be refining and adding content regularly.

UPDATE TO LAST WEEK’S ENTRY: Unfortunately, won’t allow non-subscribers to view posted family trees unless the author (me) issues an invitation. The Stinson tree is pretty cool, so if you want an invitation to view it, send me a message and I’ll add you to the list. It’s free!

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