Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hannah Stinson Sues the Family

In November 1835 the Richmond Enquirer carried this advertisement. It shows that Hannah Stinson sued several family members. The ad gives no clue as to what the suit was about, nor how it was resolved. Hannah Stinson was probably the widow of James Stinson, (son of Alexander, son of Cary, son of Alexander Stinson, Sr.)

Fifteen years later, the 1850 census recorded Hannah, age 66, as the head of household living with John Stinson, age 30; America Stinson, age 21; George Stinson, age 20; and Sarah Stinson, age 25. Relationships are not noted in the 1850 census, so we are left to speculate why these young adult Stinsons (her children/daughters-in-law???) are living with Hannah. John was a wheel wright, George was a farmer. Hannah was born about 1784, making her about 51 at the time of the suit. Whatever the relationships, any hard feelings from the 1835 suit between Hannah and America and George must have been mended.

Note that the ad says James & Susan (Stinson) Baird and William Stinson were not inhabitants of this country. It's tempting to assume a typo by the newspaper, and that it meant to say county, but this ad ran several times and each issue carried the same exact text.
If any other Buckingham Stinson researchers have insight about Hannah and her family, please share. I'll post new info in future blogs.

I found this genealogical jewel by using the subscription-based Website, GenealogyBank, which has a huge database of newspapers and historical books, dating back to 1690.

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